People come to therapy when they feel emotional pain, anxiety, have recurrent and unresolved worries and conflicts, or physical discomfort with no medical condition. In other words people usually come to therapy when they have psychological symptoms.

Sometimes there is no definite symptom, but a diffuse discomfort, an inhibition, a specific problem or an emotional difficulty. 

So, the reason for consultation is the door by which the patient enters therapy, the trigger that brings the client to my consulting room.

I work from a psychodynamic perspective, blending cognitive, supporting and emotional self-regulating techniques. I develop my work, understanding deeply the patient´s personality and using a broad array of techniques that fits the singularity of each person and her emotional needs. 

I receive the patient with open mind, human availability and professional attitude to explore his problems. 

Exercising an empathic listening and understanding of the patient´s soul and mind is the basis of my work. Only with Empathy we have the possibility to understand the uniqueness of every person´s conflicts and his personality. And as a consequence of that, I come to know which are the best interventions and technical resources that best suits to each patient.

Forming a solid Therapeutic Alliance with the patient is the essential matrix by which we attain the changes he is looking forward to.

I consider one session a week is the optimal frequency to see advancements and achievements in the patients, but eventually I discuss the frequency with each person, depending the complexity of the problems she presents.

Psychotherapy is a joint venture. Only with mutual work, effort and collaboration we bring about change.

On the side of the patient I expect that he/she comes with motivation and disposition to work together.

However, for many patients it’s difficult to talk about his conflicts, fantasies or private wishes because they feel SHAME.

I can help you to overcome shame and you’ll feel free to express yourself not only in therapy but in your daily life. 

Thus, helping you to accept yourself and improving your personality is my “Golden Aim” in my work with you.

I want you to break free from inhibitions and symptoms